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라그만 주 영어로

"라그만 주" 중국어

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  • laghman province
  • 라그만    Laghman (food)
  •     주 [主]1 [주인] one's master; one's employer;
  • 라그만주    Laghman Province
  • 그만    그만1 [그만한] (a) little (amount of); so little[small] as; such ; as[that] much; to that (small) extent; no more than; just; only. ~ 일에 낙심 마라 Don't be disappointed about such a trifle. ~ 일은 어린애라도 할 수 있다
  • 그만그만한    barely passable; adequate; sufficient
  • 그만큼    그만큼 [그 분량] as much as that; as[that] much; [그 정도] to that extent; in that degree. ~ 더 as much[many] again[more] ‥. ~ 말했는데도 after all I have said / after all advice I gave. ~이나 돈이 있으면서도 for all one's
  • 하그만    Hagman
  • 그만그만하다    그만그만하다 [어슷비슷하다] be nearly[about] the same; be much the same; be much of a muchness; be of a hair; be six of one and half-a-dozen of others. 나이가 ~ be about the same age. 모두 ~ All of them are about
  •     주 [主]1 [주인] one's master; one's employer; [임금] one's lord; [하느님] the Lord; God; [그리스도] our Lord. ~기도문 『기독교』 the Lord's Prayer.2 [주된 부분] the chief[principal] part; the main part. 누가 ~가 되어 이 계획을 추진했는가
  • 구독을 그만 두다    finish; complete; cease; stand still; terminate; quit; end; stop; close; discontinue
  • 그만 두게 하다    deter
  • 그만두게 하다    dissuade; shut down
  • 그만두게 함    dissuasion
  • 그만두다    그만두다1 [중지하다] stop ; discontinue ; cut out; [포기하다] give up; abandon; renounce; [취소하다] call off . 계획을 ~ abandon[give up / lay aside / drop] a plan / give up a project[an idea / a scheme]. 갑자기 ~ cut[st
  • 그만두다$1$    stop; quit; break; lay off; give up; discontinue; relinquish; abandon; desist; leave off; leave; withhold; cease
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